Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Golden Beach Police Officers Arrested

So, one of my two readers asked for thoughts on the recent arrest of two Golden Beach police officers for grand theft and organized scheme to defraud.  Here is a link to the Herald article supplied by the reader (thanks for the tip).

It seems the guys were working private jobs that they were supposed to be off duty for, but were doing it while on duty.

I have never been a fan of police officers taking off duty jobs.  Most of them do a good job, but anybody who has watched some of them at the various bars on South Beach would recognize that an uncomfortably close relationship develops between the bouncers and bar staff and the cops.  Too often I have seen cases where people are arrested by these off duty officers based upon the falsehoods of bouncers who were literally flexing their mussels and bullying people around.  In essence, the employer's actions come accompanied by the stamp of 'approved by law enforcement.'  Take a look at the Ft. Lauderdale cops that were working for Rothstien.

To answer the question - probably a bit overcharged with the whole organized scheme and all, but it is clear the State did that to force the cops into the prison range on the sentencing score sheet.


Anonymous said...

You don't have any readers! This blog sucks!

The Straw Buyer said...

Chef, bouncers using seafood to bully their clients?

Anonymous said...

"this blog sucks" guy/gal is the most loyal reader ever. I wonder what her day job is.

Chef said...

Straw buyer, you have me laughing my ass off.

True, I am a poor speller and do not take enough care in writing my posts - but after reading your comment, I had to reread the post 3 times before I could even begin to figure out what you were referring to. And then, I had to go to a dictionary to be sure.