Sunday, June 19, 2011

You get what you pay for?

I was really enjoying Justice Thomas's approach to oral argument...he basically came out and said that other judges use it for grandstanding and bickering and he wants no part in it.  And then, despite his ridiculous conservative phillosophy, just when I was starting to like him, Justice Thomas goes and screws everything up.

Sure, I could get by his wife's involvement in the Tea Party - sort of - and sure, I could overlook the fact that he filed false mistakenly inacurrate financial disclosure forms, but now, it seems to me he is just part of the machine.  Read the Times story and let me know if you think it is time for the Court to take a few steps back towards being respectable.

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.

- Lord Acton


Anonymous said...

This blog sucks!

Anonymous said...

oh c'mon chef, give a justice a break. Have you no friends in high places?