Thursday, July 28, 2011

So you want to be an AUSA in the Southern District of Florida?

Well, given the recent hiring proclivities of the current US Atty for the SD Fla., you probably shouldn't apply unless you look like this guy:

I am really not sure what is going on over there, perhaps the hiring committee has been taken over by a group of women who want to respond to a certain Federal Judge's clerkship hiring practices, but it just seems every time I am in court, I am looking up at another guy like this:

Any AUSAs care to explain?

Of course it does not matter because as we all know, by the time the FPDs get done with them in court, they look more like this: 


Anonymous said...

Dude - you are gay

Anonymous said...

This blog sucks!

Anonymous said...

I now understand why you are always picking on AUSA's- one unrequainted crush after another!