Thursday, November 17, 2011

What the hell are we doing here?

From the BBC

"Officials at a meeting of elders in Kabul changed a committee's number after delegates rejected 39 because of an Afghan belief that the number is associated with pimps.

Elders refused to take part in group 39 until its number was changed to 41.

The number is held as a mark of great shame across Afghanistan.

Correspondents say some believe the taboo started because a pimp had 39 on his vehicle number plate. But others say it dates from an old way of calculating numbers called "Abjad".

Many delegates at the loya jirga voiced their fervent opposition to being part of committee 39, one attendee told the BBC's Bilal Sarwary in Kabul.

''One delegate said: 'I don't want to return to my area and be called a pimp. I don't care if it is true or not, but people out there believe in it. Look no one wants to have a vehicle with number plate 39. And yet, you want me to be in 39?''' the member said.


"But when I raised it, everyone else told me to shut up. Everyone said, they didn't want to be called [a pimp] or their children and family members harassed in streets, schools and neighbourhoods. So than a committee 41 was established,'' the delegate continued...."

I can just hear Karzi saying "Oy Vey!"

We are trying to establish a partnership with a country that has people in it who will harass family members in the streets because their father is on committee # 39?  And yet, changing the official number to "41" despite the fact that it remains in reality the 39th committee is sufficient?

I know we have many buildings here that "don't" have a 13th floor, but harassing children because of a committee number?

I am now convinced that our mission in Afghanistan, whatever it might be, is doomed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This blog sucks!