Friday, March 18, 2011

Roy Black's Blog

Roy Black has started a blog, and it is a must read for young lawyers - go to it and pick up any insight you can.  I would also encourage you to write in questions, I am certain Black will entertain answering them and providing guidance worth a heavy price.

I find myself often consulting other lawyers when I have questions and need guidance in matters.  I don't want to embarrass any of them by naming them here and associating them with this often ill thought out, poorly written and intemperate blog, but I find that in general, some of the finest attorneys in the Southern District are very free with their time to help a colleague and better the profession. The consultations I have received have been invaluable and frankly, worth paying for if I had to.

We should all try to become better lawyers each day - in skill and professionalism; I am certain that reading Black's blog and gaining insight into how one of the greats views the law is a step in that direction.

In other news - why is Quaddafi still in power?  Is this yet another f-up by Obama?  To wait so long to take any action, only to give Quaddafi an opportunity to accept the demands of the UN and further stall his ouster seems to me to be another missed opportunity of the Obama administration.  Of course, maybe I am just pissed at Obama because of his lack of skill in handling the federal appointments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This blog sucks!