Friday, April 15, 2011

Judge Pryor and the Eleventh Circuit en banc, rule that you can't feed the homeless (or something like that)

"Orlando Food Not Bombs argues that it has a right under the First Amendment to conduct feedings of large groups [homeless people] in any park as often as it likes."

'Nope' says Judge Pryor - 

A translation of the opinion reads:

"Homeless people are yucky and an eyesore on neighborhoods filled with people who don't look like them and don't want them there every day.  Such upstanding citizens prefer to feed their homeless through the traditional "dumpster method"; the "free night in jail ride"; or, the time-honored "drive through guilt-fest."  Forget organization and predictability to feedings, treating homeless people like the beggars they are is a substantial interest which the public holds."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This blog sucks!