Monday, May 2, 2011

Ding Dong

bin Laden is dead.

What now?

Does this

bring back the Americans murdered on board the Cole, in the Embassy in Kenya, on 9/11?

The Thousands of troops that were sent to meet their maker in Iraq? 

The arms, legs, and normalcy for the Tens of Thousands more who have been permanently handicapped in the name of Daddy?

Our committment to Our Values?

Nope - gone.

Even this momentous operation was tainted by the degeneration of our moral authority. 

The identity of the courier who ultimately led us to bin Laden was obtained by torturing people (bad people) and holding some of them in indefinite confinement in purgatory without due process.

But they are not entitled to due process!

We all are....and when we fail to grant process to the most detested amoungst us, we fail.

So, congratulations to Obama for being the President in office when bin Laden was killed - I am glad he is dead.  But on this day we celebrate this Just Vengeance, let us not forget the path we chose to go down after 9/11 and let us Hope that Change will come soon.


Anonymous said...

Courageous post Chef

Anonymous said...

This blog sucks!