Monday, May 9, 2011

Kathy Williams's Nomination

As a follow up to last week's post, it appears the Senate Judiciary Committee will be taking up Kathy Williams's nomination again on May 12, at 10:00 a.m., during an "Executive Business Meeting."  Here is a link to the committee's web page.

It is high time Mrs. Williams's is confirmed.  She is going to be a GREAT addition to the bench of the SD Fla.

In other news, it appears that my blog is even harder to find now.  Rumpole seems to have nixed the Kosher Meatball from his blogs list - in favor of none other than Roy Black.  I guess if you have to lose out, loosing out to Roy is a bit softer on the ego.

In retaliation, I am considering revealing Rumpole's identity, or possibly even dropping him from my blog list.  That's right Rumpy, your on the precipice!

Legal tip of the week:

Failure to convey a plea offer to your client is ineffective assistance; and, it is allways better to convey such offers in writing, so that you won't have to put your credibility at issue in a later evidentiary hearing.

So sayeth the Fourth in United States v. Evans.


Anonymous said...

This blog sucks!

Anonymous said...

Rumpy is Richard Hersch. Post that. Nobody reads your blog anyhow.