Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pissed about the UM problems

What really bothers me about the University of Miami ordeal is that it was prompted by the same people who now announce they are "shocked" by the scandal.  These administrators - Shalala included - are the same ones who were more than happy to tout UM Star Football players in the "all about the U" adds that were run ad nauseum during football season (most of which Shalala appeared in):

UM runs the ads to bring in money while Shalala hangs out with the ponzi-scheming scum that is now trying to shave time off his 20-year sentence.

In reality, it was Shalala and UM that were acting like pimps, not Shapiro (who claims to have gotten players hookers).

Why do you think that Shapiro was allowed on the sideline during UM football games?  Was he a coach?  Was he a former player - or even athletic?  No.  It was because he gave money to the school for access to the athletes.  Nothing new - no different than a John with the ladies.  Shalala acted like a pimp with the athletes and now she is "shocked" that they were hanging out with Shapiro the shitbag on his boat with some alleged hookers?


Time to own up to what she fostered and resign.


Anonymous said...

This blog sucks!

Anonymous said...

Get the facts, bro. This criminal Shapiro pulling another fraud. This time he duped Yahoo Sports and everyone who read their stories. You should know better than to trust the word of a proven crook.

Chef said...

Dude - I am with you 100%. That guy should not be believed, but it does seem there are some issues that may have been going on.

Clearly, the current and future players on the team should not be made to suffer. Fire the administration.